Saturday, January 21, 2012

I want to treasure this memory forever

WOW! I haven't blogged in a while.

This is a picture of my adorable Gran and gorgeous niece Mailee! My gran hasn't been great with her health recently but I just love this picture. My gran is one of my most favourite people in my life. I love her dearly and love that she is becoming stronger every day. I can tell from this picture that she is bonding with Mailee and it makes me so happy. I want this to be a memory I remember forever. I love you Gran and Mailee

1 comment:

  1. Today I was talking to my Mom on Skype. Right now she is visiting my brother and his family in the Ukraine. My brother has a 4 year old daughter. She is very cute and funny. While I was talking to my mom, my niece was talking to me to, and when I asked how old she was I didn't realize that I have been here for almost 2 years, and I haven't seen my family for all that time, except for Skype. Made me a little upset. Time goes by, children grow... It will be waaay weird to go home sometime and all my nieces and nephews (I actually have only nieces... ) will be grown up and won't care for me... Life sucks this way...
    I'm homesick! Why am I telling you all this?
